OJ&B Horoscopes: July 2011
Above: A Zodiac wallet from the Jimmy Choo Autumn/Winter 2011 Collection See what OJ&B sees in the stars for you with July's Horosco...

Above: A Zodiac wallet from the Jimmy Choo Autumn/Winter 2011 Collection
See what OJ&B sees in the stars for you with July's Horoscope!
Aquarius: Fireworks are not the only sparks flying this July Aquarius! You have a personality that people are naturally drawn to and the way you've been twerking lately has had people taking note. Keep doing your thing. If love is what you are looking for then July is the time to get what you want. YOU BETTA TWERK!
Pisces: Destiny's Child was NOT playing around when they sang about Bills, Bills, Bills. It may seem like there is nothing you can do to get a head of your finances but remember there is no shame in seeking help. Call your bank and ask them if they can lower some fees or even remove some. You may be surprised to hear a yes. Research programs that can help you get your finances organized and help you budget. You can do it put your back into it!
Aries: You have been meeting a lot of new friends that support you and want you to shine in all that you do. Older friends who are negative and hate on you are not worth it. Go with the positive and let all the negative Nancys have a huge pity party full of bad attitudes and fashion.
Taurus: You keep trying and trying and nothing seems to be happening but remember that you have to run the race to win the prize. If you are not trying then how can you ever reach your goals? Every "no" will make you stronger and they also make that one "yes" that will change everything taste even better!
Gemini: Does an ex lover or friend want you back? Know that most people are stuck in their ways and chances are they have done what they did to you many times before. Let them know that if you choose to give them a 2nd/4th/20th chance that it will be the last. AND MEAN IT!
Cancer: You wanna go-o-o all they wa-a-ay just like Britney in her crunk club jam. Just make sure that you are 100% ready before you make any huge decisions. It may feel like it is now or never but remember that there is always time for lining up your ducks. The more prepared you are the more confident you will be. If you are 100% sure then you better get after it Boo!
Leo: Your moon is in the house of opportunity this month. Things that have been cooking are almost ready to be enjoyed. You are working so hard to make sure that you are doing what you want and you need to remember to enjoy the now. Miley was right when she said that it is ALL about the climb!
Virgo: All your friends seem to be getting married and having kids, right? Well you are not them and they are not you! You cannot compare yourself to others because everyone has their own journey. Besides, you know that you have way to much stuff to do to be tied down at this point in your life. Enjoy the you time while it lasts because you know when the time comes you will put all you have into your fierce family.
Libra: Are you really having fun? No, really? Life is about enjoying yourself so make sure you are not just working and not playing. Spice things up with a funky new hair do or buy some fun and fab new clothes. Remember to laugh because most things are really not that serious. If you do have to have an ugly cry a couple of times it is OK! Kelly Cutrone always says, "Sometimes a breakdown is a breakthrough!"
Scorpio: Watch what you say and do on social media! That is your assignment for this month Scorpio! Putting crazy party pictures of you and your friends on social media is not cute or hot. Not every picture that you take needs to be uploaded to the Internet for the world to see. Be careful of what image you are putting out there because everything you have online is part of the brand that is you. It would be a shame if you missed out on an opportunity because you were acting like Taradise!
Sagittarius: If things have felt awkward between you and someone close in your life then this is the month to figure out what is wrong. Make sure you have a talk with them before things get out of control. Sometimes a small misunderstanding can lead to unwanted drama or hurt feelings. If you ask them what is up and they pretend like nothing is wrong make sure you try your best to convince them they need to spill. Throwing shade back and forth is just bad news bears for all involved.
Capricorn: One of the hardest things in the world for people to do is to genuinely be happy for others. There are enough haters in the world and you do not need to be one of them. Try your hardest to always be happy for others when they do well and see how your life transforms with all of the positivity flowing in. Being jealous is so ugly and not on trend. Remember, God does NOT like ugly!
*Disclaimer: These Horoscopes were written for entertainment value by the creator of OJ&B, Jonathan Valdez, and should not be taken seriously at all! If something does come true though holla at your boy!